Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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vote the photo ... Me: o)

addition to being a photo of me, even if not one of the best, if you make a charity voted for me and a sign of respect of the favela where I work!
Abraços Brasileiros para todos.

the instructions below the photo to go to vote, mine is in the women, the number 37

"The Rules of the contest will also award the de * ** ll'opera greater impact regardless of category *, chosen by secret ballot among the volunteers and Lands Freedom 2009, the Civil Service IPSIA young people in 2009, the cooperating IPSIA, staff IPSIA in Italy, the IPSIA directors, presidents of local IPSIA.
photography and writing will entitle the author chosen to win an annual subscription International magazine.

* Here you come into play: it's up to you to express your choice of photography and writing with greater impact.

* To allow the vote a portal has been designed ad hoc www.ipsiaconcorso.unalapalla.it * *, which presents all the entries and allows the casting of votes for each work.

To access the portal you must register in the first instance * *, a very simple operation requiring only a few seconds.
once had access to the site, find the section * "How to vote" * with instructions on how to vote.
like to mention now only that each work can be voted only once, you can vote by going to the portal at different times and that is not required to cast their vote for all the competition entries.

photo and win the script they have had the highest average rating and the same average rating, the work with the greater number preferences.

_ * You can vote from now until Friday, October 2 at 12:00 pm. "