Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thank You Letter To Coaching Staff

the law "ficha Limpa"

For the first time I write the drafting of the Republic and Brazil. As from this "country is still developing," comes an important lesson in political ethics to our Italian village. The Superior Electoral Court has approved the "she Ficha Limpa", translated: the LAW no criminal record, where it is forbidden to stand (at the next federal election to be held in the autumn and will elect a replacement for Lula), a candidate if they have the slopes ongoing civil or criminal.
The law goes further to stop the candidates with a criminal record, saying that the person making the application, will be entitled to an accelerated path to determine its presumed innocence or guilt, possibly to allow time for candidates.
short, a law that would Peter weep with joy, Berlusconi's lawyers (who are the government) from despair, and the majority of Italians from the console: if you can not mess with offenders to stop, at least not let them elect!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spiker Gel In Toronto

good summer break June 10, 2010 shooting with Folco Quilici

Dear friends today was the first day of shooting on ViaFrancigena in Lazio with Folco Quilici, although challenging was definitely very nice and it was exciting to be next to a teacher like Folco .... here is a short photo story:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Congratulation Engagement Wording

returned from Slovenia ......

Hey friends of the blog here we are back from this fantastic five days , soon some photos and comments to share with you what we did have friends who have known and of these truly sensational places .....