Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Green Spot Distributor Singapore

Henry IV - Ugo Pagliai Paola Gassman

After twelve years of madness, the king, awakened by his condition, aware that "it was all over": that he was aged without having lived his life. "He arrived with a hungry wolf at a banquet ready-cleared." "I preferred to be crazy and live more vividly aware of my madness," in contrast "get upset with those who live without knowing how and without see his madness. " Nell'allucinante the final monologue, madness appears to be unconscious wisdom, and wisdom as folly. The party game. Freud's concept that "normalcy does not exist," live with the unsettling knowledge that the other something very different from what we are for ourselves. Everything revolves around all'inestinguibile contemporary existential discomfort, the search for authenticity. The crime committed against the rival in love Belcredi, the gesture will be so extreme, given the inevitable forever condemning the part of Henry IV, our protagonist, who would have to start living again but instead is was forced by its author to serve the sentence to be mad king forever, in his personal hell. A side note we like to dedicate it to the scenery created by Graziano Gregori. An essential part of this show, the original in terms of functionality, there is spying on Henry's madness in all its nuances. Thanks to 'fifth forces', the scene is dissected in several compartments, where the individual masks are unable to scrutinize the reasons for the choices of others. Both within it, which at its edges, we see the characters scramble in a box made of claustrophobic walls. They move like puppets kept alive only by the threads of the unfathomable event. The curtain then fell on the scene just before the final Henry in a trap on this side, where it is not difficult to empathize.


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