Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where To Buy Essie Nail Polish Nyc

vote the photo ... Me: o)

addition to being a photo of me, even if not one of the best, if you make a charity voted for me and a sign of respect of the favela where I work!
Abraços Brasileiros para todos.

the instructions below the photo to go to vote, mine is in the women, the number 37

"The Rules of the contest will also award the de * ** ll'opera greater impact regardless of category *, chosen by secret ballot among the volunteers and Lands Freedom 2009, the Civil Service IPSIA young people in 2009, the cooperating IPSIA, staff IPSIA in Italy, the IPSIA directors, presidents of local IPSIA.
photography and writing will entitle the author chosen to win an annual subscription International magazine.

* Here you come into play: it's up to you to express your choice of photography and writing with greater impact.

* To allow the vote a portal has been designed ad hoc www.ipsiaconcorso.unalapalla.it * *, which presents all the entries and allows the casting of votes for each work.

To access the portal you must register in the first instance * *, a very simple operation requiring only a few seconds.
once had access to the site, find the section * "How to vote" * with instructions on how to vote.
like to mention now only that each work can be voted only once, you can vote by going to the portal at different times and that is not required to cast their vote for all the competition entries.

photo and win the script they have had the highest average rating and the same average rating, the work with the greater number preferences.

_ * You can vote from now until Friday, October 2 at 12:00 pm. "

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cellular Respirstion Ap Essay

Project ITES

ITES" Employment and Development of the Italian community abroad "is the project that the Italian Ministry of Labour has promoted for develop a network of services for business and employment of citizens of Italian origin live in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. The project is developed with the active associations in the three countries and in close coordination with the policies and actions developed by Governments premises.
In Brazil, in particular, sees a strong ITES ACLI that for the survey and mapping work to be done in the area, has also endorsed the cooperating IPSIA currently working in Salvador and Recife.
At this stage, which runs from July to November of 2009, operators will have to explore the territory where they live and work, to search for actions that animate the Italian community, thinking of possible services to develop the labor market involving patrons. The same patronage can follow and accompany new workers and businesses on Brazilian territory.
Already a portal on the Internet that will act as support for the project: www.italianiinbrasile.it

Participate in training in Sao Paulo for the project Ites, has been useful and interesting to strengthen the relationship between the ACLI and IPSIA in Brazil.

group ITES Brazil

working group to plan the activities to be performed on the territory

ACLI's visit to Sao Paulo during the formation of the end of July

Monday, August 17, 2009

Homemade Trailer Title In Il

and passion ...

the camp of the "Sem Terra" of Santo Amaro, Resort at about eighty kilometers from Salvador, the friend uncle in the (belo uncle), was able to ride ... even a bull!! Parabens: o)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Can I Mix Superpump With A Creatine

Reflections ....

a Sunday on the island of Itaparica

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Really Nice Acrylic Nail Designs

And where's the groom?

On 27 June I made a trip (even if well together), to celebrate Jerry and Lucy Betrothed! I
evidence of my presence but I lack the finality to exonerate me: a picture with the bride and groom ..
then Jerry, since you're one of the few who read my blog, send me the pictures we made out of the casino arch? (Local historic tourist town of Trento, where we celebrated with the bride and groom), while I inserirsco evidence already available to me: o)

Effects Optical Mark - fabri - andrea

Friday, June 19, 2009

20 Mm Phosphate Buffer

ladddrrrri also are angry ... I mean the rich!

to friends, relatives, sarpenti enemies or living in Italy. Two lines of relief staff, stating that I decided not to read more The Australian - because of course the site in Salvador is not the newspaper - and I went to read the Ansa, because it makes me less than a stomach ache, in the sense of desire to run to the bathroom ...
What's going on? Just too many news reports that Republic defamatory about Berlusconi, after the phase of his trial and those of family, corruption or bribery that is, past the stage of stories about his links with mafia and various Masonic lodges, has now passed to phase of its personal relationships with children, prostitutes, women of the show, cleaning and maybe even with some attendant some of his private villa .... and with this you ask you, what's the problem? some doubt on the truth of the news also confirmed by the Corriere della Sera and the foreign press ... evidence from witnesses, documents, registrazini television ...
In fact, the problem is not the newspaper, only that whenever there are elections, I can not comprehend that so many Italians still vote for him, that racism is growing in Italy, here in Brazil I am ashamed, and that makes me suffer, an Italian citizen, that our society is returning to be that of aesthetics, the image of the cunning of thieves and ... and I have to see that it was better when there was Craxi, the Communists were Communists and Christian Democrats were a little favor to everyone, but at least in this one felt more free and honest, even if it was blacks (leather of course).

Oh well, as I said it was just an outburst, I think of good things: I moved back to Italy next week for the wedding of his friend Jerry, I come with Brazilian girlfriend ... he did not ask to do DNA testing .....

... Perhaps today it is better to go back to read the Ansa, where I found the photo of our dear President: I think it's pissed off but I do not know why ... but it is true that 73 years??

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gay Cruising Pointsin Mumbai

June 6, 2009, Salvador was born in "the Social Educators Association"

Making cooperation is not only organize vocational courses for young people in the neighborhood, helping to form an economic group and buy the first instruments to start a business, you also see that before the expiry of three years of funding of the Italian Ministry, something is moving in people who have worked with you, even to change something in the social fabric of the neighborhood where you work. For this, last Saturday, May 6, was a very important moment for me in El Salvador.
In a room of the "Colegio Estadual da Bahia", gathered a dozen people to approve the regulations and appoint the directors of what will be "Associação Educadores Sociais Economics and fomented by Solidaria". That is, the local team (which will cover executive positions) that I am coordinating the project, met with other people interested in the initiative to form an association that will lead to the permanent school of social educators and support of small businesses. In words almost technical means continuity for a project funded by the Italian Ministry and from October will begin to walk alone. It means that the work of four years will not end, that the local staff and other collaborators, have realized the importance of what we are doing and not let it fade the conoscernza gained so much effort and patience (from both). Of course there will need to find new lenders, what we are doing, writing projects for public or private local calls, and organizing a network of organizations that can use the specialized training of the school.

Following discussion and the pictures of the group's founding members (yours truly was present but did not see fit to become a founding member because the role of accountability to the Italian Ministry lender).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tiffany & Co Commercial

Brasilia, to happen!

That does not say that I am always around and never talk about work ... but what can I do if in mid-May, the embassy is organizing a two-day meeting with all aid workers who work in Brazil? It 'a unique opportunity to meet other expats living my own experience, enter the rooms of the embassy and be invited into the luxurious house of the secretary of the ambassador (or "mentor", newly appointed and who speaks English instead of Portuguese). E 'to deal with the officials of the Ministry to find out what are the indications for the future (unfortunately limited because Brazil is no longer considered the country in the developing world - continue to consider the economic indicators and not to consider the social ...) and the European Union representative (as above considerations ..). E 'for half a day to see a city that was built fifty years ago, in the middle of nowhere, in the center of Brazil, all focusing on architecture and, say, the functionality, of course, operates the only progressive government in the history of Brazil (Lula exclude because of progressive government in its just him ... Infeliz).
some photos:

start with the Italian Embassy in Brasilia

yes, I did work ..

an evening of relaxation time

the "center" of Brasilia

Thursday, May 21, 2009

List Of All 151 Pokemon

occurs in the rain

After May 1st, a national holiday in Brazil (and also here major shopping centers were open ...), a large delegation visited the "Draft Social Educators" in Salvador. Sara Callegari, Marco and Stefano Bravin of Ipsia Calvetti, had long planned a "mission" to check the progress of the project closure and to strengthen relationships with local partners. He then added that a delegation from the ACLI was visiting Sao Paulo: Michele Council (vice president of ACLI) Simone De Fazio (coordinator of the global network aclista) and Rita Blasioli Costa (ACLI President of Brazil).
It was a week full of meetings and is particularly interesting and motivating for the Italians (and co-operating services civil), which for local staff.
In addition to meetings with the partners of today (and ACOPAMEC CEPAM) we were able to visit other companies to design and think of new ways to go to Salvador or Brazil (Association Cidade da Criança, Federal University, SEBRAE, Asst Art and Work ), we met with the Honorary Consul of El Salvador and with representatives of communities of Trentino and Abruzzo who live in the state of Bahia. We have done all the progress of the project meetings to deal with the ACLI and deepen the thematic associations. Telling of our experience in Brazil, we were updated on what Ipsia is doing in other countries where it works, confronting especially on the values \u200b\u200bof participation and solidarity economy. With
ACLI Sao Paulo then, we started the contacts which I hope will grow to build future collaborations.
We also tried to introduce some cultural characteristic of Salvador, a city world famous for its cultural and social contradictions. Only one critical point was unfortunately the time, we were unable to provide a bit of sunshine to my Italian friends, we took the opportunity to work a bit 'more ... oh well, do not overdo it: o)

the first contact IPSIA delegates with a Brazilian coconut

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wooden Playset Blue Prints

THE NATION - April 14, 2009 by SOFIA COLETTI

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dresden Milena Velba

ZoeTeatro in Malacorte

Where are the actors after the show? remain trapped inside their costumes or rush to join the profiles of our crowded city? And the masks? The tricks, hats, wigs and costumes, they stay there in the darkness of the room, waiting for someone to give him back a bit 'light? Or is there a space, a place where they continue to gain attention and in some so, in so doing, continue to live? Maybe. Maybe for some remains part of something. An audience, sharing the game play, refers during the show, tensions, anxieties and joys consensus, over the representation inevitably crumbles into a thousand particles, a thousand people, each with their own testimony, mood, sensation. This, henceforth, the fragment will be individual they can relate to infinity. Of course staff, incomplete, in flux, where the masks still claim some 'space, tripping bright in images and individual perceptions that once settled, create opinion. This is exactly what we like to talk after witnessing the performance of the company that has ZoeTeatro presented his latest work, Malacorte. The show, written, directed and starring Michele Bandini and Emiliano Pergolani happy with the incursion of Claudio Bilotta, is produced by the Teatro Stabile Umbria with the support of ETI - New Creativity . Keep it up, after Quartet shadows Metal 2005 and 2006, the collaboration of Stabile Umbria Foligno with the young company. Confirmation required that the two projects, Pergolani-Bandini, a true leader of theatrical umbra. If the first two works, the state suspended indefinitely, served to catapult into an afterlife ( Quartet shadows), or deal with a mythology ( Metal ) that it is beyond a close relative, here the game is very different. Paradoxically, the more real. There is a King (Michele Bandini), minister (Emiliano Pergolani) and Cook (Claudio Bilotta). A court that played in the massacre. Freed by the people, by the subjects to which there remains that shut themselves up inside four walls and pull a living. And here comes into play that the theater. This game is very perverse, that throws sparks of life, even where there is more. A theater that creates a short circuit, called a hero and raised to a witness, to retrace a court life, bad, bored, which is not that self-destruction. A game to the power that hides fears are not addressed, prevarication on the other, empty of purpose. Excellent scenic solutions and functionality of the lighting design created by Mirco Duvalloni that played off by degrees the light and the life of the three. And so the death of the protagonists of the final, is not that the happy ending, so to understand the power of a century just past, that only the theater, thanks to his fiction, can unmask. This is a bit 'sense of dark and grotesque Malacorte . A clarity that accompanies the entire show, where the company locates ZoeTeatro one by one in the rubble of a century left behind by drawing a sharp line, an absolute zero, from which will be the first to have to start. A back to square one where suddenly the masks we did not know their fate, they find their way to continue living, to an elsewhere that we will survive and still to pursue.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tips For Dishwashing At A Restaurant

history of violence

I read this morning on the titles on the internet that there was an earthquake in the Abruzzi, it seems that an experienced civil protection abruzzeze had issued a warning a few days ago, but had not been heard because nothing happened immediately, the same technician was reported and "defamed" via print, more than 150 dead ....

then open the local newspaper in Salvador de Bahia and I read an article about the shooting deaths in the metropolitan region of the Bahian capital at the weekend, 12 people died ....

We need to do in this selfish and violent world? peace? faith? respect? social and economic balance? a policy and honest politicians?

course of all this, but stesso anche di noi, che non possiamo non dobbiamo accettare impassive and degrade il sociale delle nostre città .... riflessione it remains within di noi.

riport DI L'seguite INIZIO dell'articolo SU SALVADOR

Metropolitan Region has recorded 12 murders over the weekend (Samuel Lee, of The Morning) - Twelve murders were recorded by the Police Telecommunications Center (Centel) in the Great Savior the period between Saturday and Sunday night. In the same period, were not made any arrests of suspects of crimes. Police said two victims - Valdinei Conceição Santana, 19, and Ronaldo Souza de Santana, 18 - assaltavam onibus by micro-um rede de transporte alternative acabaram baleadas na cabeça por um que passageiro reagiu à investida, das 23h30 de Sábado por time. Continued ...

Translation: Metropolitan Region, 12 DEAD IN WEEKEND - Between Saturday morning and Sunday night at the headquarters of the police of the Great Salvador (to indicate the city and its suburbs) has recorded 12 homicides. At the same time, no arrests have been made of suspects of any crime. According to police, two of the victims - aged 19 and Santana Valdinei Ronaleo Souza 18, were attacked a mini bus and stone were hit by gunshots to the head of a passenger who responded to the robbery, were to 23:30 on Saturdays. Continue as I have reported only the beginning of the news ....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hacker De Materialpara O Ogame

The people have no bread? Let's give the brioche, by and with Filippo Timi

Filippo Timi back to Perugia. Repatriates almost identical to how we left. Always ready to get involved, take into around himself, his foibles and insecurities, then focusing on those of the "unfortunate" that capture his attention. With The people have not bread? Let's give the brioche, produced by the company "Saint Rocco and Garrincha, the show sees our" Wire "attempt in the double role of actor and director (signing up for the first time his work, accompanied for the occasion by Stefania De Santis). The representation, surreal and unconventional, uses the tragedy of Hamlet and mask to use as a (pre) text, and then steered it toward something else. Rather than a vengeful Hamlet rightly, Timi, a Shakespearean character is the hero tired of the cliches that have saddled, fed up of having to return every night on stage wearing the usual customs. He wanted to do something else, being able for once to play down their own destiny, take themselves less seriously, to stay with his friends and his women. Already, women in Timi-Hamlet. Will own the latter the main protagonists of the show. Are true and beautiful women surrounding the actor's "Bridge". Constraints induced hysteria, but what they feel confident, find support and complicity in the understanding of this particular Hamlet. Conscious of their thickness, will live and disentangle between a fun meet for itching sexual affirmation of profound consciousness of their identity. This will bring in a succession of Marilyn Monroe (a charming Marina Rocco) happened a little 'there by accident and killed by her own narcissism (recall the suicide of the heroine shakespiriana Juliet, died due to poison originated from just won the Oscar statuette) , a mother (Lucia Mascino athletic and convincing in the role of Gertrude, Hamlet's mother), through un'Ofelia (a beautiful and witty Paola Burr) who won their fears, by, the English, will be innocent and sly, like true love. Timi We like this that never ceases to experiment, to enjoy the renewed attention, putting professional maturity in the service of their curiosity as a child. He knows who and how to invest the actor Umbria. And these days confused and confusing, there seems little.



Monday, March 30, 2009

Copying Sentinel Superpro Usb Dongle

ordinary story of ordinary bureaucracy

Luckily I can say we are still here, and here I mean in Salvador de Bahia. Fortunately, however, because in mid-March I ended the work visa expires and when there is a middle ground, Ethiopia and Italy have taught me that nothing is obvious, and arm themselves need a lot of patience and good will.
So for that I am not late, in early February, I showed up at the offices of the federal police (the airport of Salvador) to take the list of documents to be submitted, to avoid having to do too much racing at the last minute ... Trentin a good ...: o)
Taking the list and set a deadline for delivery Friday, March 20, I'm preparing to make the payments required, withdraw a statement in Italy, another on my return and deliver them on time.
then I find myself going to the March 16 to hand over documents to the same airport office with reliable service and civil can witness: Martha. I take this opportunity to take stock of the situation with a general check, well I say, statements, receipts are only necessary to authenticate copies of your passport (I had made copies of the 4 main pages), just not that authentic they do and I have to go downtown. Almost happy, do the appointment the next day, I can go downtown to authenticate them, running to the airport (after 10 when he opens the office of the Federal Police) to hand over documents and quietly back in the office ...
Day 17 starts with the sun, as it almost always here in Salvador, it aprofitto to go through the consulate, I can get by in a short time since I used to pass at all, then with my hand in copies of the passport office downtown to authenticate them: open office, but few people ... did not give me the rest of 100 reais, about 35 €, and nothing else means anything payment means no documents, take the money and begin to turn around the whole mall where are the offices for me to change, it's 9 o'clock in the morning and no one has cash, no money in the truth. Do not despair, I can find a post office, currency exchange, I pay, I take the documents and run the airport.
are the ten to 10, the office is closed, I take this opportunity to go to the bank to pay bills (always at the airport) and I come at 10.10, little row, it's my turn, I come with my usual smile but ... ... serve certified copies of all passport pages, even white ones ... ... AGHHHHHH!
alright, I go out, then return:
- or so I senhor sabe encontrar um dos copias Cartor waves autenticam documentos aqui do garden Additional airport? Where can I find Auten copies an office near the airport? I ask.
- A wide de Freitas in the north, a few miles but I do not know where he is, or south towards El Salvador, 20 miles to ... respond.
I choose the first course, I take an ice cream, I ask the taxi drivers outside the airport and I start off de Freitas, other information along the way and all they show me a room near the beach, keep asking, I will stop doing photocopies of passport and reaches this stable form of warehouses along the beach ... strange place, I drive forward, more and more strange file pens until he found an open
- where is Cartor wonder
- I respond here,
- but how, and where can I authenticate the documents, I insist ....
- Ahhhh, Cartor, here is the Treno Card ... ... ..
- AGHHHHHH !!!!!!
Ok, again:
- the Cartor?
- behind the hospital, downtown off de Freitas
I return the car and return to center, I find the hospital and the famous office, except that they do not authenticate the documents, it's almost 11 and they send me to the FORUM CRIME,
- second left after the traffic lights can not go wrong, I can not go wrong
but once you are on the street I stop to ask and remarries is not exciting, I have to go back and take the first left, they are located offices of the civil police, ok, I do, and parking within the office. Just my usual request that I respond that I have to go to the airport from the federal police, at which point a smile, maybe we did not happen, I tell them that I come from there, I went from go-kart track, and I have to go by Cartor criminal court if I can help otherwise good !!!!!! I also become criminal
information arrives a few minutes at noon when I reach office, I can tell if you need to take the number, I say yes, but not where, then came my turn and I tell them that we need to collect the number 8 am ... ... ... .. except, make me an authentic, returns the smile and go back to the airport, give me a temporary document and its renewal for another year, but Rome had warned me that there is no money for me until September, who knows what will happen in the meantime, we are in March ... I keep trying to prgrammare the best money of the project, I hope someone can plan the best money the organization ....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Gay Cruising Signals On A Train

The Deputy, adapted and directed by German Rosario

Dealing with the our recent history, inevitably leads to reflect on universal themes. Silence, courage, sacrifice, are the real stars that marked the dark years of Nazism in Europe. Statements were looking for, find, sustained, forced, have dominated the fate of generations of human beings. The show, The Vicar , sticking straight decades later, within that discussion was born posthumously on the roles of the various political actors and men of faith of those years. With the dramatic adaptation and directed by Rosario German interpreter among other things, a staged reading of the characters, is well brought to light contradictory atmosphere lived between false claims, Fausto cheers and fears. The years of the deportation of Jews to concentration camps, will be counterbalanced by inhuman figure of Pius XII. His silence before the Nazi atrocities becomes stronger and echoes down the decades, more than any other complaint to be persecuted, tortured and finally killed by man. But this Vicar, does not simply expose the silence of the Church, too obvious, but it aims to return the body and passions to people at that time have grown, matured and who've made 'men'. No need to feel such a uniform. Quite the contrary. Very often there is behind it to mask the choices that scare us and we prefer to leave it to others. So here is what do I need a uniform to this Pope Pius XII, these SS generals, slaves of their anger, of wanting players feel that Instead of a story that will condemn them. One question however, is clear and remains outstanding between the stands and the lights of the show, where to find the Fountain Richard Kurt Gerstein or in our own days? That's the only anachronism in this staging. Excellent actors. Voices and faces now known anche'essi completed. The eyes of Hannibal Pavone tapped into his tirade decisive Pius XII, the touching and emotional interpretation of Marco Foschi, the ruthless beauty of Cynthia Spano, are some impressions of actors who, by promises of the scene, were able to keep his word .