Friday, October 22, 2010

How Much Does Mulberry Bag Cost

Diary Way - ViaFrancigena Lazio in Rome on 23/30 October 2010 Proceno

Follow the diary updated on our facebook group:

soon here ...., the story here it is! below is returned the diary of our journey for those who had not followed on facebook soon will the photos.


parties with the bus in the direction Proceno beginning of our journey on Francigena. We finally
Proceno in preparation for departure ... the weather's hope that he may judge it.

We arrived at the end of the first stage - the Tuscan border acquapendente full day of meetings a pilgrim from Zurich on Sept. 14 met in the center of Proceno, two met at the Swiss acquapendente junction and two Americans who are from Germany but for the recurrence of the fifth centenary of the arrival in Rome of Martin Luther. Day very exciting and now we prepare for a decent dinner in a trattoria in Tuscany.

ACQUAPENDENTE SECOND STAGE - BOLSENA October 24, 2010: Hello Friends
the alarm has been quiet at night although a little shaken, be five pilgrims in the room with you can imagine the noise. The weather is beautiful on the horizon we see what does this day.

You walk in the direction of Bolsena, the weather permitting, and in this section we are surrounded by fields of corn that is reminiscent of nature ... a participant flats.

The day was cloudy but it's even nicer to look at these landscapes with this light.

After stopping in San Lorenzo Nuovo Bolsena we move into the village and immediately after we see the beautiful view of the lake.

It seems that the persimmons on the Via Francigena is put just for the pilgrim.

Our arrival in Bolsena last night was full of fatigue and aches and pains typical of the second day's journey, after the reception of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, we finally relaxed take a shower and healthy.
The night was marked by heavy rain and a poor pilgrim has forgotten his shoes on the balcony you can imagine the results this morning ... now we are left divided into two groups.

We started with a dull time the first leg of the third stage in Bolsena Montefiascone salt cart track and a path to your right you can see the Lake of Bolsena.

Today we allowed ourselves a break for lunch much more substantial as we soaked in the Park, near the Church of Turona we found a cozy place.
We entered the water in the town of Montefiascone us a truce, and we can enjoy the breathtaking view, crossed the paving stones of the ancient Via Cassia.

short stop at Pilgrim's Oak we are almost at the arrival of today's stage.

We finally arrived at the arrival of the third stage Montefiascone, the time has finally restored hope to remain so in the coming days, we settle the convent after having given a settled and we will have a meeting with the Lions a short reception. I have always been present initiatives on ViaFrancigena organized by our association.
A beautiful greeting from the Lions and place a chaste night with dinner this evening in the Convent little energy to do tomorrow ... we'll make merry

Here we are at the start of the fourth stage Montefiascone - Viterbo, muscle start to feel better even if they are left little personal ailments, someone is struggling with blisters caused by the first probably water intake in the previous stage.
We are following a well-preserved stretch of Cassia, strong winds and bitter cold this morning is what is giving us the time. As soon as we
top of the hill in front of a beautiful landscape with the Cimini Mountains and the city of Viterbo in, now we're riding the cart will take us to the spa Bagnaccio.
We're almost to our accommodation in Viterbo, Domus La Quercia, a well-deserved shower and then we go to Bagnaia where we have a friendly moment. Friends
Domus La Quercia is the only facility in the path of the Lazio Francigena that hotel, however, has an eye for the pilgrims, although with a dinner very humble structure is wonderful and welcoming.

Hello friends ... This morning we are a bit 'slow and will leave a quarter of an hour.
The morning is sunny but chilly spicy with us. The path continues across several
cut with the remains of Etruscan tombs, the show combines the natural history.
We have come a long way track which runs along the highway and now we are at the crossroads of the thermal masses still well preserved thanks to the initiative of a cultural association that makes them usable with a small donation.
We still do not stop in time because it required it but because hunger was heard ... we are on the road towards Vetralla Quartaccio under a bright sun that stimulates the desire for a nap. Among
pilgrims of bygone days and discusses the various treatments in the reserved parking places.
The sun is now behind us and our every shadow on our way.
We have reached the end of our fifth stage, a good choice of accommodation b & b located on the main exit of the Francigena Capranica Sutri direction.

October 28, 2010 Hello everyone we are ready for the start of the sixth stage Capranica - countryside, we spent a wonderful evening you back soon left the writing in the diary of the pilgrim rest Katy.
"I am a little 'shine after 30 km or god only knows how we got here in the dark starting from Bagnaia. After all that effort (a little 'angry with those who made us to walk without telling us where and when ..) welcome here was fantastic! Paul has led the host of wild strawberries and alcohol of course, bitter orange (I said that shines). I walked from Canterbury in my dreams up here .... there are only 67 km to Rome ... Katy Moore UK Welsh Newbury VT.
The day today is wonderful and we are currently immersed in the woods along a stretch.
We're off by a beautiful path through a forest of chestnut leaves from and arrives at Capranica Sutra, the location of the City Sutri was clearly marked and arranged with various works of consolidation.
The path is now totally changed walking in open countryside in the bright sunshine.
"In a course of cutting and sewing, signs and a debate on philosophical disquisition or so runs our time full of laughter and hope small and large daily .. Simon."

seventh stage CAMPAGNANO - Isola Farnese
October 29, 2010 Good morning dear friends who follow us ... This morning we started out by campaigns and immediately we became corrupted by a Sicilian pastry eh eh, started the way we met two other Swiss pilgrims than usual meeting with our ideal travel companions with which we pass every day.
Now we are stuck because a car is stopped and with great surprise we received the greetings of two dear friends of our Association that we were passing along the same road.
The route today under this sun is wonderful we have just past the valley of the rowan tree where the trail passes through a beautiful forest that has left us speechless.
We are now resting in a beautiful green lawn.
"does not seem to end in October, the weather is warming up after a beautiful walk, my thoughts in this moment is that they are tired but happy to have taken this path.
PS A special thanks to my President. (Antonio). "
You walk at a brisk pace, and today certainly is closer to the goal, just missing the arrival of today's stage and prepare ourselves psychologically entrance in the eternal city of tomorrow.
We're back in the room, even in this last evening together we were exquisitely well a great place and lots of laughter.

EIGHTH STAGE Isola Farnese - Rome S. PETER
October 30, 2010 This morning we are driven from the nearby destination safely is quite another to walk, we dived back into the traffic noise and it now feels much more because in the eight days of walking we reached ' other dimension with ourselves. Along Via Trionfale
we are stopped by a gentleman that tells a story about the arrival of pilgrims in the old days, then we confess them to live in a residence near the Vatican since the pope's guard was now retired. Greetings from Mr. Luzi.
We stopped for lunch, well after he stopped for eight days in the most beautiful and special where you dine today we stopped in a small bar and then resume their journey to St. Peter.

October 31, 2010
We write today only because the emotion of the arrival in St. Peter's Square was so strong that we have stopped us in the picture and live those moments, then we moved to deliver our credentials and the withdrawal of testimonium. The visit to the basilica was impossible was full of people was a day of Catholic. A special greeting to the friends who have followed us in these days through this diary


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