Friday, March 6, 2009

Bump On Groin Do To Catheter

Luca Zingaretti Law La Sirena

Read the theater involves its own risks. If you are not backed by an undeniable ability to interpret, or music that are able to evoke a scene, then the task becomes truly difficult. The play that Luca Zingaretti has presented her "show," La Sirena , short story Lighea Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (author of the unforgettable Leopard), left us perplexed. It will be the acting real, full of bombastic gestures, useless, monotonous, declaimer from other times. Will be to the accompaniment of tunes, hard to understand what channels perceptive dialogue with the story. It will be recreated on the atmosphere, more suited to a reading by night venue. It will be a bit 'to this, a little' to others, but at some point we came to ask what we did there. Power of television. And then, the Xenia II Montale, "I fell, giving the arm, at least ..." , already, at least the recited from memory!


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