Monday, February 28, 2011

Excessive Lotion Cervial Muscus

Satire or reality? Displeasure

International Colouring System

Decency Delirio!

An Italian soldier, Lt. Massimo Ranzani of 37 years, died and four others were wounded in western Afghanistan. Ul Tapelon can not but pay tribute to an Italian worker who loses his life. But every day die on average three Italian workers on the job!
be recorded that in the meantime, our Prime Minister does not find anything better to do than invite all to make beautiful Bunga Bunga, to invent yet another raving about the referees Communists who stole two league titles with Milan, after a few days ago ; youth confessed that he hoped to make the policeman!

Brazilian Wax In Black Women

26 and Feb. 27 - Excursion to Forks Canapine

Eventually we managed to make the Excursion that because of the time she jumped in January .... short-line photos of this wonderful weekend.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ftv Midnight Free Vedios

Berlusca Gelmini tells that his work is about .. king!

front of fifty people self proclaim Christ to the Reformation, the lover of love seems to charges multiple and repeated, is wasted in insults to public school! With a
jargon seller of pots, suppresses the public institutions governed by him for at least fifteen years. The poor Gelmini this comedy does not dare to even feign a minimal reaction.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Is There Any Substitute For Polaroid Instant Film

Northern League .. na Màniga cunta de bal!

had allocated five billion euro, a finance company, to sign the treaty of friendship with Libya's Gaddafi terrorist. Before them, Prodi was negotiating for a billion, but did not sign because the figure was exaggerated. Our heroes Po, give him five times in exchange for the rejections of the barges of despair. Regardless of the infinitesimally small gesture , now at last we discover that at best this huge enormous economic effort has reduced inputs 15% of illegal immigrants. Padani Even the leaders have finally had to admit that at least ' 85% of the inputs is done either by land, or simply through on tourist visas.
OF THE GREAT Pyrrhic victory snooty Italian right-wing, who looks only in appearance, FOR A FEW handful of votes and a lot of CADREGHINI!

What Does Shag Band Mean

Satire English and Berlusconi Decree

Charlie Brooker on his television program "10 O'Clock Live ', he breaks down Silvio Berlusconi. The program that airs on Channel 4 in England, a public television, addressed to Mr. B. and its Bunga Bunga. The presenter has ridiculed Mr. B. on all fronts (albeit satirical, has not missed a comma). The program reminds
Satiricon belongs to you, but obviously satire in England is allowed and not censored on public television. In Italy a similar episode would not be broadcast or would trigger dismissal, parliamentary questions and who knows what else (and then in Italy we say that the information is free).
Watch the video with subtitled translation.

How Many Times Fsx Installations

one thousand shames!

The decree one thousand extensions, dustbin, PDL League and we are putting in all, it is expected a shift of funds: 5 million € are removed from the fight and prevention of cancer and given away to farmers sharpers that make us all pay the fines received for violations of the quotas.
you remember during the election campaign the current prime minister, promised to fight cancer ........
One of the many lies that keep them alive unworthy of an honest and civilized nation! Fraudsters
REWARD AND CONDEMN cancer patients !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE THAN
thieving Rome Disgusting ..... Shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Is The Best Duck Decoys

door really bad luck ......

Thanks to Angie segnalto a cartoon that has really emblematic .....
All his fans would do well to imitate Putin ......

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Does A Burn Mark Look Like From A Lighter

March 6: Introduction to the use of GPS in walking

March 6: Introduction to the use of GPS in walking
the ass. ASAN organizes mini course 'Using GPS-operating in the field' full immersion course
Mini GPS guidance for hiking maps with UTM grid-based IGM 1:25000 scale 1:10000
CTR and put into practice the operational use of GPS for hiking maps with UTM grid-based IGM 1:25000 scale 1:10000
CTR and how to find your position on paper using UTM coordinates (theory and practice)
How to reach a destination based on its coordinates (theory and practice)

Projecting a waypoint (theory and practice)

Loc Monte Soratte (Sant'Oreste) The

quoata includes:
Pantry GPS operational use in the field for the UTM mapping scale 1:25000, map scale 1:25,000 / 1:10,000 coordinatometro.


E20 Error On Aeg Washing Machine

be a coincidence?

  • "I am bound by true friendship with President Mubarak of Egypt, the Libyan President Gaddafi and President Ben Ali of Tunisia. "(Silvio Berlusconi, 23 December 2010)
Fortunately we are not his friends
  • Go to the Berlusconi government and break a world economic crisis without precedent.
  • In Italy between earthquakes and floods is a natural disaster continues. With earthquakes and natural disasters, even in the world do not mess around (Haiti, Chile, oil platform in America, etc.. etc.).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What To Say To Someone Is Having A Baby

10,000 deaths in Libya stop the massacre

The Italian fascists have not ever accomplished anything good. Our colonial enterprises have sown death in an attempt to imitate other European regimes, in order to gain colonies in Africa.
Gaddafi before the genocide, Mussolini was responsible for these barbaric acts against the Libyan population.
Today, unfortunately, a poor man who governs us, phoned the Libyan criminal, friend, companion and kisses bunga bunga, to say that is concerned and that would avoid the unnecessary violence.
The crazy threat to exterminate his people and us instead of using all means to stop it, we make a friendly chat, or rather we are concerned that Gaddafi holding a bloody knife, tells us that behind the protests there is Al Qaeda and not all of the Libyan masses!
We then protect our economic interests, so instead of those who strongly support soon lead the nation, we antagonized them with our strategic hesitation.
the Libyan people for years has seen the great personal friendship with Berlusconi and Gaddafi to attend the antics in favor of the Roman dictator. For them the usual Italian fascist co-responsible for such injustice. Only way to protect our interests is to match the release by Gaddafi, Berlusconi's expulsion from Italian politics. Only a big sign of discontinuity will allow our companies to continue the work experience for a new nation, to move towards a democratic process can not accept any compromise with the past.
All this seems not to be understood by our destrodi that poor people, they insist as the main problem in identifying the likely exodus. Those unable to go away with Gaddafi for good and for the future of all countries of the Mediterranean!
We demand that the international diplomats to intervene decisively to stop the genocide.
commit you to the new governments of North Africa are not like a Berlusconi on the road, but are helped to understand the difficulties and the values \u200b\u200bof democracy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jacksonville Brazilian Supermarket


Well, here we are,
I managed to finish shooting and editing of the documentary on copper mine 'Ponte San Pietro' Ischia di Castro Vt, of course I thank Prof. Claudio Giardino and Dr. Joseph Occhini
for their willingness, kindness and tireless passion.
not least, my friends and fellow adventurers, Manrico Martini, Donato Brienza, Massimo and Maurizio Vinci friends who have thought about the logistics, the land survey and documentation in general.
I hope that research will continue in the short, the mines have plagued me!
Even if the video is long on average for the web, I suggest you look around, to hear two luminaries experts in mines and land fills without doubt the knowledge that is within each of us. Until next


Monday, February 14, 2011

Making A Saxophone Out Of Paper

Concluded the Copper Mine ws-based nature photography

After the first basic nature photography ws
in collaboration with the Ass. sport and the environment and nature Park nature Selvotta
some photos of the photo made by me.

ps Thanks to all the next ws will be in early March, stay in sight ;-)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hair With Blue Highlights

February 13, 2011 Out Nature Photography

February 13, 2011

tips and techniques in nature photography

output of Photography Nature
Introduction on 'techniques, tricks and tips in nature photography'
in collaboration with the Nature Park Selvotta Onlus, Ass. Nature and Environment Sports and nature photographers
Luca Cavallari

You will have some subjects like birds of prey and / or night (subject to seasonal cycles of the animal), ponds recreated, and endless woodland ungulates.
techniques, tricks and tips on nature photography
on Sunday will be based on the practice field with a duration of about 5 hours
Start time 10:00 am
Workshop activated with a minimum of 4 people costs - Euro 30 per photographer -
material available for photographers
an external exposure meter (flash-environment)
a flash with umbrella stand
- educational materials in digital form (which is the photographer)

View Larger Map

Where: Park Nature the Selvotta Onlus (Place where you hold the workshop - Road Selvotta 25 - Formello (RM))

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ingrown Hair Icd 9 2010

The CNSAS in Umbria and emergency-rescue service ...

Wonderful news Falls in the tourist-excursion Marmore: # comment-82189