Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What To Say To Someone Is Having A Baby

10,000 deaths in Libya stop the massacre

The Italian fascists have not ever accomplished anything good. Our colonial enterprises have sown death in an attempt to imitate other European regimes, in order to gain colonies in Africa.
Gaddafi before the genocide, Mussolini was responsible for these barbaric acts against the Libyan population.
Today, unfortunately, a poor man who governs us, phoned the Libyan criminal, friend, companion and kisses bunga bunga, to say that is concerned and that would avoid the unnecessary violence.
The crazy threat to exterminate his people and us instead of using all means to stop it, we make a friendly chat, or rather we are concerned that Gaddafi holding a bloody knife, tells us that behind the protests there is Al Qaeda and not all of the Libyan masses!
We then protect our economic interests, so instead of those who strongly support soon lead the nation, we antagonized them with our strategic hesitation.
the Libyan people for years has seen the great personal friendship with Berlusconi and Gaddafi to attend the antics in favor of the Roman dictator. For them the usual Italian fascist co-responsible for such injustice. Only way to protect our interests is to match the release by Gaddafi, Berlusconi's expulsion from Italian politics. Only a big sign of discontinuity will allow our companies to continue the work experience for a new nation, to move towards a democratic process can not accept any compromise with the past.
All this seems not to be understood by our destrodi that poor people, they insist as the main problem in identifying the likely exodus. Those unable to go away with Gaddafi for good and for the future of all countries of the Mediterranean!
We demand that the international diplomats to intervene decisively to stop the genocide.
commit you to the new governments of North Africa are not like a Berlusconi on the road, but are helped to understand the difficulties and the values \u200b\u200bof democracy!


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