March 6: Introduction to the use of GPS in walking
March 6: Introduction to the use of GPS in walking
the ass. ASAN organizes mini course 'Using GPS-operating in the field' full immersion course
Mini GPS guidance for hiking maps with UTM grid-based IGM 1:25000 scale 1:10000
CTR and put into practice the operational use of GPS for hiking maps with UTM grid-based IGM 1:25000 scale 1:10000
CTR and how to find your position on paper using UTM coordinates (theory and practice)
How to reach a destination based on its coordinates (theory and practice)
Projecting a waypoint (theory and practice)
Loc Monte Soratte (Sant'Oreste) The
quoata includes:
Pantry GPS operational use in the field for the UTM mapping scale 1:25000, map scale 1:25,000 / 1:10,000 coordinatometro.
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